Addtional Features ================== FollowReferenceField -------------------- This script also provides a field that supports serialization of the reference with :code:`follow_reference=True`. Unlike :code:`ReferenceField`, this field supports deserialization and automatic-save. To use this field, you can just simply declare the field as usual. For example, like this: .. code:: python import mongoengine as db import mongoengine_goodjson as gj class User(gj.Document): """User info.""" name = db.StringField() email = db.EmailField() class DetailedProfile(gj.Document): """Detail profile of the user.""" # FollowReferenceField without auto-save user = gj.FollowReferenceField(User) yob = db.DateTimeField() # FollowReferenceField with auto-save partner = gj.FollowReferenceField(User, autosave=True) Exclude fields from JSON serialization/deserialization ------------------------------------------------------ Sometimes you might want to exclude fields from JSON serialization, but to do so, you might need to decode JSON-serialized string, pop the key, then, serialize the dict object again. Since 0.11, metadata :code:`exclude_to_json`, :code:`exclude_from_json`, and code:`exclude_json` are available and they exclude field on the following specific actions: - Setting Truthy value to :code:`exclude_to_json`, the corresponding field is omitted from JSON encoding. Note that this excludes fields JSON encoding only. - Setting Truthy value to :code:`exclude_from_json`, the corresponding field is omitted from JSON decoding. Note that this excludes fields JSON decoding only. - Setting Truhy value to :code:`exclude_json`, the corresponding field is omitted from JSON encoding and decoding. Example ~~~~~~~ To use the exclusion, you can just put exclude metadata like this: .. code:: python import mongoengine_goodjson as gj import mongoengine as db class ExclusionModel(gj.Document): """Example Model.""" to_json_exclude = db.StringField(exclude_to_json=True) from_json_exclude = db.IntField(exclude_from_json=True) json_exclude = db.StringField(exclude_json=True) required = db.StringField(required=True) def get_json_obj(*q, **query): model = Exclude.objects(*q, **query).get() # Just simply call to_json :) return model.to_json() def get_json_list(*q, **query): # You can also get JSON serialized text from QuerySet. return Exclude.objects(*q, **query).to_json() # Decoding is also simple. def get_obj_from_json(json_text): return Exclude.from_json(json_text) def get_list_from_json(json_text): return Exclude.objects.from_json(json_text) Reference Limit --------------- Since version 1.0.0, the method to limit recursive depth is implemented. By default, :code:`to_json` serializes the document until the cursor reaches 3rd level. To change the maximum depth level, change :code:`max_depth` kwargs. As of 1.1.0, callable function can be set to :code:`max_depth`, and :code:`to_json` calls max_depth with the document that the field holds, and current depth level. If the function that is associated with :code:`max_depth` returns truthy values, the serialization will be stop. Note that when you use callable :code:`max_depth` of :code:`FollowReferenceField`, the border of the document i.e. the document that :code:`max_depth` returned truthy value, will **NOT** be serialized while :code:`to_json()` does. It just be "id" of the model. Code Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the code example of Limit Recursion: .. code:: python import mongoengine as db import mongoengine_goodjson as gj class User(gj.Document): """User info.""" name = db.StringField() email = db.EmailField() # i.e. You can access everyone in the world by Six Degrees of Separation friends = db.ListField(gj.FollowReferenceField("self", max_depth=6)) # If the name of the user is Alice, Mary, or Bob, it will refer more depth. not_friend = gj.FollowReferenceField( "self", max_depth=lambda doc, cur_depth: not in [ "Alice", "Mary", "Bob" ] ) class DetailedProfile(gj.Document): """Detail profile of the user.""" user = gj.FollowReferenceField(User) yob = db.DateTimeField() To disable the limit, put negative number to :code:`max_depth`, however you should make sure that the model has neither circuit nor self-reference.